Like the way we access database using the COM object, here also using the COM (Component Object Model) approach only to play with excel.
Excel Application
Not going into the deep details of the excel automation model, for our current discussion the outlined steps are:
1. Create an excel object.
2. Opening an existing workbook or creating a new workbook.
3. Assigning objects with reference to the sheets in the workbooks.
4. Fetching and writing values in the cells of the sheet.
5. Saving the Workbook.
6. Closing the workbooks and Releasing the memory.
The approach will be creating an instance of EXCEL then open or create a WORKBOOK, will get a reference to the SHEET object from the workbook object and finally, will work on the CELLS of the sheet.
1. Create an instance of the Excel Application.
Set objExcel = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
objExcel.visible = True
2. Opening an existing workbook or creating s new workbook.
Set objWorkBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set objWorkBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open (sPath)
3. Creating reference object for the sheets.
Set objSheet = objWorkBook.Sheets(1)
Here, index “1” indicates the sheet index. We can use name of the sheet as well.
Set objSheet = objWorkBook.Sheets(“Test_Sheet”)
If we want to add a new sheet, it wud be like
Set objSheet = objWorkBook.Worksheets.Add
To delete a sheet:
To rename a sheet: = “Sheet_Name”
4. Fetching and Posting values in the cells of the sheet.
Writing in a particular cell ( 5th row and 7th column )
objSheet.cells(5,7) = “Test_Data”
Reading from a cell:
sVar = objSheet.cells(5,7)
Taking a practical scenario in which we need to find a particular cell data from excel but we are not aware of as in how many rows and columns have been used and we have no idea about the cell address.
sText_to_Find = “Test_String”
bDataFoundFlag = False
Set objRange = objSheet.UsedRange
For each objCell in objRange
If objCell .Value = sText_to_Find Then
bDataFoundFlag = True
Exit For
End If
If bDataFoundFlag = True Then
Msgbox “Data in Cell ”& objCell.Address (, , 4)
End If
Above code snippet will return the address of the cell having the text to find.
5. Saving the workbook.
Saving a newly created workbook:
objWorkBook.SaveAs “sPath”
Saving a opened workbook:
6. Closing the Workbook and releasing the memory.
Closing a workbook:
Closing the excel instance:
Releasing the memory:
Set objExcel = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
Stay tuned (:
# Hims
helpful material.
Yes it is.
Deleteits nice
ReplyDeletewhat is the purpose of releasing the memory and what happened if the objects are not to set as nothing